The Calahan Foundation
The Calahan Foundation, a non-profit 501c3, was created in 2009 by Edward & Shirley Calahan to inspire youth through educational scholarships, college mentoring and meeting the deep needs of humanity through community outreach.
Our Mission is to create ways of “Giving a Hand Out ... to Give a Hand Up” to children.
Our Goal is to mentor and inspire young CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders in our communities through business basics, work assignments, investment learning, and fun fulfillment curriculums.
Our demographic are TWEENS (ages 9 – 12, grades 4 through 7), TEENS (ages 13 – 16, grades 8 through 10), and YOUNG ADULTS (ages 17 – 26, high school/college-age students) who are highly participatory, creatively connected and achievement oriented.
Our compassion and concern reach far beyond those whom we encounter during their time of loss or preplanning and is reflected through the charitable work to which we are dedicated.
In 2009, through Edric’s vision, the Calahan Foundation was birthed to create ways of "Giving a Hand Out to Give a Hand Up” to children and their families. In 2009, The Calahan Foundation became a 501c3 not- for-profit organization. Through The Calahan Foundation, we have awarded nearly $100,000 in scholarships to deserving high school graduates, provided more than 3,000 families living in shelters with warm coats, over 9,000 new toys to their children for the holidays and launched the Calahan League of College Scholars (CLOCS) Mentor Program. In 2017, Valerie learned of the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey and was adamant that we lend a hand. With the help of our partners and members of the community and the city of Chicago, we were able to take over 130,000 pounds of supplies, over 3,000 cases of water, and monetary donations totaling more than $10,000 to Houston.
The Calahan family knows the importance of building relationships and we cherish the friends and business associates which keep us encouraged and focused on our mission.
Learn more by clicking here and visiting The Calahan Foundation website.